Our Lady's Well

Our Lady's Well is situated on the old pilgrimage route to Lady's Island. Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin the well was part of the pilgrimage and a pattern was held here on the 15th August, the feast of the Assumption. The well is surrounded on three sides by white walls with a turnstile on the eastern side. Two stone steps take you down to the well. I was particularly fond of the short but quite charming walk down the old pilgrimage track, with it's two delightful stone stiles. A standing stone is located in the nearby graveyard.

The well

Pilgrims path to Our Lady's Island

Situated: From Lady's Island head east for Carne. Park up at Buncarrick Cemetery and walk about 70 metres further down the road. The stile, pictured left, is on the west side of the road.

Discovery Map 77: T 1106 0740. Last visit April 2015.

Longitude: 6° 22' 31" W

Latitude: 52° 12' 26" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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